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The Best Places to Stay in Galveston for Spring Break
Planning Your Trip, BeachBox Properties BeachBox Admin Planning Your Trip, BeachBox Properties BeachBox Admin

The Best Places to Stay in Galveston for Spring Break

With Spring Break just around the corner, we here at BeachBox are gearing up to provide our guests the perfect places to create lasting memories with friends and loved ones. The first step to creating such memories is to secure the best place to stay, whether it’s a beachfront home with a view, a downtown loft in the heart of Galveston, or a home in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood tucked away from it all. We have something for everyone on our top 10 places to stay in Galveston for Spring Break!

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Experience Galveston in the Summertime

Experience Galveston in the Summertime

Allow us a little humble brag— but the Texas Gulf Coast is pretty great year ‘round. There’s always something to see and experience, and our mostly mild temps and sunny skies make for endlessly enjoyable vacays in fall, winter, and spring.

In the meantime, here are five things we’re psyched for this summer.

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National Plan for Vacation Day: Galveston Getaway

National Plan for Vacation Day: Galveston Getaway

Unused vacation days? Is that even possible? According to the U.S. Travel Association, it is. More than half of American workers (55%) are leaving vacation time on the table at the end of the year. That amounts to a total of 768 million unused vacation days. Y’all, that’s 768 million lost opportunities for Americans to relax, reconnect and recharge with the people that matter most. It’s time to reverse the trend and get back to using vacation days for vacation.

So, what’s the key to taking more of those breezy, beach lovin’ getaways? The answer is simpler than you might think. Planning.

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Remote Work and Study on the Texas Gulf Coast

Remote Work and Study on the Texas Gulf Coast

Even on the most relaxing vacations, there’s always a tiny bit of As the pandemic continues to persist into the late summer and fall months, many of us are adjusting to the “new normal” of working or attending classes from home. Whether you live in a big city where you can’t step out of your front door without a face mask, or you need something different from the same four walls you’ve been working remotely from for months — it’s getting to be time for a change.

Why not seize this opportunity and spend a month — or more! — on the gorgeous Texas Gulf Coast?

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Tips for Traveling to the Texas Gulf Coast with Your Pet
BeachBox Properties, Planning Your Trip BeachBox Admin BeachBox Properties, Planning Your Trip BeachBox Admin

Tips for Traveling to the Texas Gulf Coast with Your Pet

Even on the most relaxing vacations, there’s always a tiny bit of stress. What to pack, what to not pack, who will water the plants, what to do with the mail? It can be… a lot. One area that can be particularly stressful is what to do with the family pet during your vacay. If you’re anything like us, your four-legged friends are like family. And the thought of leaving them behind in the care of a crowded kennel or a strange pet sitter is — well, kinda horrifying.

That’s where BeachBox comes in.

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